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Aspirin Facial Scrub & Mask

sarah w

Aspirin Facial Scrub & Mask by watereverysunday


Everyone gets zits and acnes, whether full on force or as a time-to-time annoyance. They creep up and give you the red flares of ‘all I can think about is you’ day and you want them gone and off your face as soon as possible.


Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic Acid is a type of Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). Salicylic acid is a known acne fighter and BHA has been known to help skin exfoliate and renew, alongside Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) such as glycolic acid, which is used during professional chemical peels. The main differences between two acids are: AHA is water-soluble and more aggressive to the skin while BHA is oil soluble and gentler, and therefore great for clearing out the excess sebum and oily skins. It is best known to treat acnes. 


Aspirin Facial Scrub

Now how to do this? But first,
if you are allergic to Aspirin, Do not try this. Follow the same safety measures indicated on the bottle label.

1. Make Aspirin Paste

Grab a bottle of uncoated Aspirin from drug store or from your medicine cabinet. Any cheap generic or drug store brand will do. No need to go fancy on the brand. Add a couple of drops of water to 4-8 pills of Aspirin and let them dissolve into a paste. Just a couple of drops in order to disintegrate the tablet into powders, not liquid so that once you make scrub/mask it will stay on your skin and not be runny. The tablet has not only Aspirin but also other filler ingredients such as starch, titanium oxide and etc. and those powder ingredients will serve as scrubbing agents.

2. Add Other Ingredients of your choice

Add oils, crushed fruits or egg white as per your specific needs. Tea tree oil is great for acne; Avocado and banana are great for moisturizing and anti-aging. Egg white tightens skins and great for wrinkles. Lemon is great for sunburn and whitening. Or add any ingredients of your choice. My favorite is Honey, The Aspirin scrub gives incredible squeaky clean skins after and honey makes the skin baby soft and adds amazing glow. Of course you can use Aspirin paste alone, if nothing is available.

3. Apply on your face to scrub / use as mask

Be careful not to get it in your eyes and I don’t recommend using this on your eyelids and skin around eyes.

That was easy, right? Use as scrub or mask 1-2 times a week. If using as a mask, 15-20 minutes should do it then wash off. For me, I usually do this in the shower. Turn the water on, add a drop of water to the pills and start your usually showering. While my hair conditioner is sitting on my hair, I do the scrub and wash off. You can make more and use on your body, too. 


Happy Scrubbing and Cleansing!~~


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